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Secche dei 3 Fratelli (Three Brothers and Mobula)
depth: -5 to -30 mt
difficulty: easy to intermediate
currents: sometimes very strong
type: rocks, Posidonia, sand
Between Zone A where Molarotto island is, the island of Molara, and the rocks of the Three Brothers lies a very exciting dive area that always bring surprises in its current ridden clear waters. Here many people still try to fish (also illegally) as it is a portion of the sea always rich in fish. The area offers much variety to the divers but sometimes the current limits our dives there. There are a few moorings (no buoys here) positioned by Aquarius to avoid anchoring. One site has beautiful rock formations, another one has a number of parallel canyons with seabed and Posidonia. We have encountered many stingrays and sometimes the “Mobula” (the smaller Mediterranean Manta). Many dentex groupers, barracudas, sea breams, scorpion fish, eels. Groupers here are easily seen in 3 different species but tend to be shy as they are not used to see divers as in other spots of the Park.




Punta Levante
depth: -7 to -20 mt
difficulty: easy to intermediate
currents: rare.  Not recommended with NW or SW winds.
type: granitic rocks, Posidonia, sand, canyon
An easy dive site on the east side of Molara island. The site is served by a buoy from where several routes give the opportunity to visit down to a maximum useful depth of 24m. A couple of canyons and rock formations with sand and Posidonia make this a perfect place to look for small organisms. Similar to Punta Arresto but with less anthropic pollution. Off the coast of Molara's Punta Levante, the granite silhouette of the island continues under the water with a series of spurs separated by depressions, channels, and fissures. The rocks are rich in tafoni. In the deep fissures, where often brown meagres swim leisurely, vaults are rich in colours and several invertebrates species concentrate. Here and there it is possible to find yellow sea fans, sea snails, anellids living in colonies forming a complex net of calcareous small cylindrical tubes. In the most illuminated areas wrasses graze on the photophilic seaweeds and it is normal to sight barracudas or, in the summer end, the greater amber-jacks.
Cala Chiesa (Church Bay)
depth: -7 to -18 mt
difficulty: easy
currents: rare
type: granitic rocks, Posidonia, sand
Excellent dive site when the strong south-eastern winds of Scirocco make the many Park sites victim of the wave actions. Here the protected bay is called after the church that was built for the exiled popes sent here around the 10th century. The ruins are still there on the island which is abandoned since the owner (Molara is a private island) cannot afford to pay any longer for a guardian and his family. The dive here develops near the coast where the boat anchors. We follow some large rocks surrounded by Posidonia and sand to find the typical Mediterranean organisms that are always preyed on by the hungry scuba photographers. Eels, octopuses, brown meagres, sea breams, and the ever present groupers will look at you with curious eyes.
Punta Arresto
depth: -5 to -35 mt
difficulty: easy to advanced
currents: rare
type: granitic rocks, Posidonia, sand
There are two buoys here as this site tends to be a very popular dive site. This is due to a large variety of rock formations with beautiful canyons and a large plateau that reaches about -5m (perfect to graze on the safety decompression stop!). The light here is often beautiful especially when looking from down under to the peaks where often barracudas or dentex/snapper fish can be seen hunting for preys. The shadowy areas are inhabited by filtering organisms like sponges and Coelenterata, which make the walls multicoloured: these places are an ideal destination for people fond of underwater photography. After having observed the larger fish and the big groupers that are often right underneath the buoys the shallower area offers plenty of opportunities for many varieties of nudibranch and flat worms. Here many skittish animals like dolphins, mackerels, tuna, greater amber-jack, mobulas can be seen.
Secche del Fico
depth: -5 to -35 mt
difficulty: easy to intermediate
currents: rare
type: granitic rocks, Posidonia, sand
Very large shoals exist around the area of the small island called “FICO”. A buoy is positioned strategically on the south-eastern side of this island and next to Molara providing good protection from the winds and waves during storms. The dives here can follow a clockwise or anticlockwise tour and if you have enough air you can even circumnavigate the island. The area has large granite blocks that form small caves, fissures, and nooks. Inside and around lots of organisms can be observed especially if you have a trained eye. Beautiful CIPREAs, nudibranches, sponges, and even some crinoids like the Antedon. It is common to sight barracudas, groupers, brown meagres, and moray eels. For the best divers there are opportunities to reach some larger rocks that are fairly deep but otherwise the dive is generally within -18mt and easy.