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Siamo all'interno di una splendida area di macchia mediterranea composta da pini marittimi ed eucalipti nel complesso residenziale "Le Farfalle" a Capo Coda Cavallo, proprio a pochi passi della spiaggia dove ci si imbarca. I siti di immersione nel Parco si concentrano tra 5 e 15 minuti di navigazione dando la possibilita' anche di immersioni singole. Chi rimane in spiaggia il ritorno dei SUB si puo' godere il panorama di Tavolara e la sabbia bianca. La baia ha 2 spazi di mare protetti per i bambini e per chi nuota mentre in spiaggia sono disponibili tutti i servizi (chiosco, noleggi pedalo', sdrai ed ombrelloni).

All'interno del centro esistono diversi spazi ben organizzati come ad esempio l'aula corsi per le attività didattiche, spazi per l'attrezzatura privata e box per riporre i propri effetti personali durante l'immersione. Il centro dispone di una pedana per il lavaggio di 20 metri quadrati con 3 vasche risciacquo e area con la possibilità di lasciare ad asciugare la propria attrezzatura in sicurezza. Abbiamo 30 ceste a disposizione e chiuse al sicuro durante la notte per le attrezzature subacquee. Una casetta è adibita alla custodia delle mute private.
Un accogliente portico è diventato negli anni un simpatico punto di ritrovo per i sub prima e dopo l'immersione. E' a disposizione internet con FAX e stampante. Un monitor HD dà la possibilità di vedere i nostri filmati blu-ray e foto personali.

Diamo assistemza per poter controllare ed aggiustare attrezzatura privata. E' possibile noleggiare tutta l'attrezzatura ed anche computers, torce ed apparecchiature fotosub. E' inoltre offerta la possibilità di filmati professionali e personalizzati in HD a richiesta.


Dank der Kontrollen des Schutzgebietes bietet der Meeres-Park ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Seit 2002 hat das geschützte Meeresgebiet das Wiederaufleben des kompletten Ecosystems mit sich gebracht und ist somit das erste (!) System mit Bio-Vielfalt im ganzen Mittelmeerraum. Das Meer hier bietet wunderbare Erlebnisse zusammen mit der Sicherheit eines geographisch geschützten Meeres.

Die Verwaltung des Parks hat für die Boote der naturalistischen Tauchgänge ungefähr 20 Bojen positioniert um das Tauchen und Aufsteigen zu erleichtern und auch die Sicherheit der Boote zu gewähren. Es gibt Regeln die respektiert werden müssen. Bitte studieren Sie sie genau oder fragen sie uns direkt. Auf den Booten befindet sich immer die ganze, für einen Notfall gebrauchte Ausrüstung und dank der Schlauchboote ist ein rasches Erreichen der Küste gewährleistet. Die Gruppen werden immer nach ihren Erfahrungen geteilt und haben bei einer Höchstzahl von 6 Tauchern einen Führer. Unsere erfahrenen Führer kennen viele nicht sehr bekannte Plätze um die Vielfalt der Tauchgänge zu erweitern und um, vor allem im August, das Gedränge zu vermindern.

Klicken Sie auf jede Flagge, die dir ein Link zu den Beschreibungen der Tauchplätze die wir besuchen, gibt.

Die blauen Zonen (ZONEN A) sind für alle, außer der Parkverwaltung, untersagt! Die anderen Zonen (ZONE B und ZONE C) können besucht werden , der Grossteil nur mit berechtigten TAUCHSCHULEN.

Mappa AMP Hires

Capo Figari - il Sifone (the Syphon)
depth: 0 to -30 mt
difficulty: east to intermediate, need good buoyancy, and comfort in caves
currents: none
type: wall and cave
This is usually the second dive during our excursions to Capo Figari. Often we combine this dive with the other exciting dive close to where we left the boat, “the Shrimps' Grotto”. Cave entrance is easily seen at about -20m with two different areas to explore before swimming towards the surface into a large chamber that has breathing air space. The group goes up in pairs, slowly, and all meet in the chamber for some vault exploration and to comment on the surprising life discovered below. There are many interesting holes filled with shrimps, lobsters, crabs. Outside we enjoy the scenic rock formations and look out in the blue for some mobula that may “fly” by.


Capo Figari – Sa Mama Chiatta
depth: 0 to -35 mt
difficulty: easy to advanced
currents: none
type: wall, arch, and large rocks
This is an exciting dive. Its name comes from the large rock, resembling a big mama, where we moore the boat. Below the mooring on a plateau we start swimming south to reach a big drop in the rock formations before heading toward a large arch. The arch is the perfect refuge for large lobsters and conger eels. It is at a depth of about -30m so after a few minutes we have to continue on to the many crevices that will let us ascend slowly while discovering more conger eels, beautiful nudibranch and some scared grouper (fishing is allowed in this area!), As we reach the wall of Capo Figari we find more holes in the mountain, hidden passages, beautiful light games and more life in the fissures. It seems there is an infinite amount of holes to discover and soon we realize we are running out of time (!). Water in this tract of the sea is very clear and in the blue some pelagic fish may be seen passing by. Definitely one of the best or maybe the best site in Capo Figari!


Capo Figari -  Grotta dei Gamberi (Shrimps' Grotto)
depth: 0 to -30 mt
difficulty: easy but need good buoyancy, and comfort in caves
currents: none
type: wall, cave, and large rocks
The entrance is narrow and impossible to see unless you know it's there, at about -12m, but after only a couple of metres inside you will see its extension of about 30m into the mountain. Here we see a big Cerianthus at the entrance and being careful not to raise any debris we start swimming toward the exit at about -6m. We always encounter various types of shrimps, rock and slipper lobsters and some crabs in the vaults. As we swim outside the cave we find fissures in the rocks hiding a large conger eel and some holes hiding the eggs of a squid. The many rounded large rocks at shallow depth offer us the opportunity to do our safety decompression while enjoying more diving and surprises from this beautiful varied site. It is like doing two dives in one!