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Capo Figari – Mamuthone
depth: -10 to -35 mt
difficulty: intermediate, advanced
currents: none but swells from the open sea can be dangerous toward the surface
type: walls and caves
The name of this dive spot comes from the famous Sardinian carnival mask which resembles the rock at the diving spot. The place is scenically positioned just past cape. While we go down the mooring we realize the depths here become more abrupt than at nearby Tavolara. The bottom is easily beyond -35mt but we stop and slowly enjoy the coralline benthos which develops below a characteristic step. Swimming toward the entry of the cave we start exploring its walls and find numerous lobsters and organisms that prefer shade (sciophilous organisms). Exploring every little hole in the cave is impossible but just a few are enough to reward us with some surprise: besides eels, leptosammias, parazoanthus, cerianthi, the area is characterised by the presence of a small parasite shellfish called in Italian “ciprea delle gorgonie” (Neosimnia spelta). Care must be taken not to reach the surface while inside te cave due to the swells that can be dangerous. Rather we slowly ascend to lower depths and swim toward the boat following the guides.
depth: 0 to -12 mt
difficulty: easy
currents: none
type: wall, rocks, sand, and Posidonia
Little island off the tip of Capo Coda Cavallo home to an ancient Punic burial ground. There are the remains of a huge nest left from a Peregrine Falcon which can be easily seen from the boat on top of a tall rock overlooking a large cave that can also be visited underwater. This is a shallow dive site very nice for beginners and night dives. Sea Breams, octopuses, eels, large seabed of Posidonia are common.


Secche dei 3 Fratelli (Three Brothers and Mobula)
depth: -5 to -30 mt
difficulty: easy to intermediate
currents: sometimes very strong
type: rocks, Posidonia, sand
Between Zone A where Molarotto island is, the island of Molara, and the rocks of the Three Brothers lies a very exciting dive area that always bring surprises in its current ridden clear waters. Here many people still try to fish (also illegally) as it is a portion of the sea always rich in fish. The area offers much variety to the divers but sometimes the current limits our dives there. There are a few moorings (no buoys here) positioned by Aquarius to avoid anchoring. One site has beautiful rock formations, another one has a number of parallel canyons with seabed and Posidonia. We have encountered many stingrays and sometimes the “Mobula” (the smaller Mediterranean Manta). Many dentex groupers, barracudas, sea breams, scorpion fish, eels. Groupers here are easily seen in 3 different species but tend to be shy as they are not used to see divers as in other spots of the Park.




Relitto di Molara (Wreck of Molara or “Windjammer”)
depth: -32 to -37 mt
difficulty: intermediate to advanced
currents: sometimes strong
type: wreck, sand
A mysterious 70mt wreck with a doubtful identity and time of its sinking. Some say it is the “OUED YQEM” a French ship hit by a Dutch submarine in 1941, others say it is the “RODOSTO” sunk in 1927. It is on a sandy bottom at about 38mt and it is a recommended Nitrox dive. Quite spectacular to visit although time is slowly accelerating its decay lately. The stern is the most interesting section after a swim around the long deck. Large groupers hide in the hull and proceeding to the stern you can see some rare blennies, beautiful blue sponges, and many red barbed mullets resting... Sometimes you have some special encounters such as big dentex/snapper, large lobsters, conger eels. Sometimes small sharks are caught by mistake there by flocal fishermen. The Marine Park links to more details that refer to the OUED YQUEM: http://www.amptavolara.com/en/territory/submerged-landscapes/wrecks/
Relitto Omega (Omega Wreck)
depth: -12 to -18 mt
difficulty: easy
currents: usually none or not strong
type: wreck, Posidonia, sand and rocks

Near the “Cerri Rocks”, about one mile east of Molara island, you will find the Omega wreck on a sand and Posidonia seabed between -16 and -18 meters. During the end of Summer season and in the Fall, the dive gives the opportunity to meet pelagic fish, like great amber-jacks and bonitos. It is an ideal site for beginners interested in wrecks, both for the reasonable depth and the great visibility. We recommend reading the Marine Park links for more details: http://www.amptavolara.com/en/territory/submerged-landscapes/wrecks/omega/. The wreck sunk in 1974 after hitting the rocks during a storm. Of the 8 seamen only the captain survived by swimming to the close coastline of Molara. http://www.amptavolara.com/territorio/paesaggi-sommersi/relitti/